Blackthorn Book Tour: The Beached Ones

The Beached Ones by Colleen Story

    About The Beached Ones

Daniel and his younger brother grew up in an abusive home. Daniel escaped. Now an established stunt rider, he intends to go back to rescue his brother. But then one jump goes horribly wrong . . .

He recovers to find himself in Iowa, unscathed, yet his life has drastically changed. His best friend won’t answer his calls. Even his girlfriend is hiding something. Increasingly terrified, he clings to the one thing he knows: He must pick up his brother in San Francisco. In five days.

From the isolating fields of Iowa to the crowded streets of San Francisco, Daniel must fight his way through a fog of disjointed memories and supernatural encounters to face the truth and pay a debt he didn’t know he owed.


Praise for The Beached Ones


“A suspenseful ghost story that takes the reader on an existential tightrope walk to an emotionally charged ending.” Lance Thompson, Ghostwriter and Script Doctor 


This profound and heart-rending novel satisfies on multiple levels. It’s an inspiring story of a brotherly bond that only strengthens when tested, a chilling glimpse into the heart of evil, and a riveting exploration of the mysteries and possibilities of the afterlife. Through the moving personal journeys of the central characters, it shows how the power of love may transcend even death, and how even when we are immersed in darkness, there is reason to hold onto hope and look for the light. This book continues to haunt me, in the best of ways. Goodreads review


The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story is a major achievement in fantasy and paranormal novel-writing, which verges on magic realism with its narrative techniques. The author’s world-building and characterization are two absorbing and intriguing features. Story has penned a work that is at once spellbinding, enigmatic, yet literary. It’s a book that mesmerizes—you won’t be able to cease following the emotional saga until the very end, despite feelings of anguish and enormous heartache. Goodreads review


About the Author

Colleen M. Story has worked in the creative writing industry for over 20 years. Her last novel, Loreena’s Gift, was a Foreword Reviews’ INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner, among others. She also writes nonfiction books for writers, including Writer Get Noticed!, a gold-medal winner in the Reader’s Favorite Book Awards, and Overwhelmed Writer Rescue, Book by Book Publicity’s Best Writing/Publishing Book of 2018.

As a full-time freelance health writer, Colleen has authored thousands of articles for publications like Healthline and Women’s Health, worked with high-profile clients in the healthcare industry, and ghostwritten wellness books. She frequently serves as a workshop leader and motivational speaker, where she helps attendees remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers.

A lifelong musician, Colleen plays the French horn in her local symphony and pit orchestras. When not writing, she’s walking, reading, and exploring the beautiful Northwest. To learn more, see her website (, motivational blog (, and mystical blog (, and connect with her on Twitter (@colleen_m_story).


Additional Book Information

·         Genre:  Paranormal Suspense ·          Print length: 350 pages ·         Age range: This is an adult book ·         Trigger warnings: Themes of loss, childhood abuse and suicide; plot includes: deaths resulting from various causes including suicide, an incident of threatened injury to a child, some isolated violent scenes, a scene of self harm
