Predator | Nomad by Daniel Micko Review


Predator / Nomad a novel By Daniel Micko
Publisher: 770 Publishing
Pages: 519 Pub
Date: August 2, 2021
Categories: Technothriller / Mystery

Summary: Dr. Jordan Roberts is a bit of a prodigy in her field of medicine, specifically genetics. Quick to bed the charismatic doctor, Saleh, a Saudi Princess and transgender security detail for her brother, must then deal with some emotional fallout. Has she actually been sleeping with the enemy? And if so, who is the enemy working for? When Saleh digs deeper, she uncovers more about Jordan’s work than anybody even knew was possible. Set around 9/11, Predator/Nomad is an enthralling and terrifying read. It urges relevance by presenting a world hurtling toward a game-changing medical advancement. The twisted plot reflects the odyssey we all take to do the right thing. Allegorically, people, in general, are more than what they seem—a cerebral look at social deviants.

Book Review
This story is set around the time of the 9/11 attacks and their clones living among us. Yes, clones. When the story opens an American scientist and underground businesswoman, Jordan Roberts, is working under a bit of suspicion. Little do some know that she's just not a scientist, but she also has what appears to be a black market network across several countries where she creates and sells clones as soldiers. A Saudi Prince commits suicide, but his sister believes that it was more to it and sets out to uncover what she believes is the truth.
Micko did a job of world-building. The attention to detail in describing the landscapes as the characters take us from San Francisco to Colombia to Saudia Arabia. He also created memorable characters in Princess Selah, who was a transwoman. I found her to be the most compelling character and is the author took us along for all the plot twists that would occur as Dr. Roberts's true business dealings were methodically revealed. There was a time or two that I was shocked to find out that someone was a clone. It was interesting to see where the line would be drawn when it came to human life vs a clone.

The prospect of cloning has been something humans have been obsessed with for some time so that makes this novel that much more intriguing to think of the possibilities. Good plot, intrigue, and interesting characters made for a pleasant read, especially when this is not my typical genre. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys scientific thrillers.

You can pre-order your copy via Amazon and be ready for its release on August 2, 2021.

About the Author
Daniel Micko is a critically acclaimed, bi-racial novelist born in St. Louis, Missouri, and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. After his two degrees and thesis film, Daniel wrote The Moonshine Wars introducing you to American Klansmen, Black World War I Heroes, bi-racial friendships, biracial families, and bi-racial romances. Residing in the Bay Area, hearing and telling stories, Daniel constantly reminds people ‘if you don’t write it down, it

never happened.’

You can visit him at

Happy reading!
