The Expert Witness

Synopsis - Up and coming attorney, Naya Fields, works for the prestigious Chicago based law firm, Moroni, Messa, and Weston. As she works her way up to partnership, an opportunity lands in her lap. Her colleague is tossed out of a settlement meeting, landing him in the hospital and her in front of the one man she never thought she would see again… James Perkins who left her nearly seven years earlier. Now, she must navigate through a pricey deposition that could cost her client hundreds of millions of dollars if not completely ruin them while she tries to overcome the one man who broke her heart.
Book Review - Naya, a lawyer, was faced with a case that put her front and center with someone she hadn't seen in years. The concept of the case was a real life situation. James was a character that I connected to immediately.
This was an enjoyable story. I think it flowed well and the author did a good job of capturing a bit of suspense, flirting, and realism. The characters were interesting and I was invested in their outcomes. You can get your copy below by clicking the image and supporting the author by leaving a review.
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