All I Want

All I Want All I Want by Alexandria House
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Two souls reunite on Christmas, but at the end of the day, will they rekindle what once was or go their separate ways?

This is a VERY short story which contains profanity and sexual content. If you are opposed to any of these elements, this is not the read for you.
                              Book Reviews
House does best. Leaves us longing for more. 
In this short story, Navy abruptly ends her relationships with her partner, Lakeland. He however has yet to accept that she is not the one for him. He wants her flaws and all. He shows up to a family holiday with every intention of reaffirming and reclaiming his Navy. 
The author gave us a few scenes. They were emotionally charged, steamy, and real. There's not much to say about it. So, I'll just say Xmas came early and I'd rather have some Lakeland than mistletoe.
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