The Fold Trilogy

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Even the saved struggle when navigating their way through love. This much could definitely be said for the Fold Family’s middle child, Jadalynn.
Having met when they were just twelve years old, Jadalynn and Andrew experienced some of their best and worst moments together. Falling in love was inevitable as they grew older and remained close. And falling out of love was just as certain when the two finally bumped heads.
After a lengthy separation based on a lack of communication, fate and the hand of God himself brought the two back together, forcing them to either continue running from love or stop and surrender to it.
Having met when they were just twelve years old, Jadalynn and Andrew experienced some of their best and worst moments together. Falling in love was inevitable as they grew older and remained close. And falling out of love was just as certain when the two finally bumped heads.
After a lengthy separation based on a lack of communication, fate and the hand of God himself brought the two back together, forcing them to either continue running from love or stop and surrender to it.
Book Review
Jada and Jet were running circles around a relationship. Well, mostly Jada was running from what was to be her future. The story opened in an unforgettable way with a baptism of the youngest Fold family member and an "oatmeal" incident. The story was filled with humor, drama, denial and the "word". |

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Even the saved struggle when navigating their way through love. This much could definitely be said for the Fold Family’s youngest child and only son, Chadwick.
Looking for love was never on Chad's list of things to do, until he held Taya in his arms on a dance floor and watched God laugh at his plans. She was beautiful in a way that caught his eyes and his heart. Foreign feelings that wouldn’t fade had him questioning his sanity.
They're both too young to fathom that any of this could be real. So, they come and go then come back again until there's nowhere left to hide.
Looking for love was never on Chad's list of things to do, until he held Taya in his arms on a dance floor and watched God laugh at his plans. She was beautiful in a way that caught his eyes and his heart. Foreign feelings that wouldn’t fade had him questioning his sanity.
They're both too young to fathom that any of this could be real. So, they come and go then come back again until there's nowhere left to hide.
Book Review
Chad & Taya- I loved their story. I think mostly because of the surprise appearance of an old favorite or two. The two were a prime example of the saying you never know when love will find you. Sometimes you meet your person and you connect on every level, but you may not be ready for it so you hide from it. This installment had so much more drama (revenge porn, mild physical violence) and intensity to it. Chad's dating style reminded me of a young me. (don't judge me) I loved the way he grappled with his feelings and that his siblings could read him so well. The sibling bond between the Fold children was humorous and real. The author did a good job of delivering a solid love story.
Even the saved struggle when navigating their way through love. This much could definitely be said for the Fold Family’s oldest child, Angela.
Perfection was the main objective when it came to Angela. She was stubborn, strong-willed, and completely incapable of relinquishing control, at times risking her own happiness to preserve the image of what others thought she should be.
But just like glass, perfect images crack. And what’s left can either be cleaned up or left for somebody to step in. Angela must take it upon herself to figure out which way to go after leaving a toxic marriage. And she may or may not find refuge in an equally stubborn alpha-male by the name of Damien Christopher Briscoe
Perfection was the main objective when it came to Angela. She was stubborn, strong-willed, and completely incapable of relinquishing control, at times risking her own happiness to preserve the image of what others thought she should be.
But just like glass, perfect images crack. And what’s left can either be cleaned up or left for somebody to step in. Angela must take it upon herself to figure out which way to go after leaving a toxic marriage. And she may or may not find refuge in an equally stubborn alpha-male by the name of Damien Christopher Briscoe
Book Review
Where Chad in book 2 reminded me of my younger self somewhat, Angela reminds me of the fully grown and adult me now in many ways. I could identify with her need to take care of everyone but herself. When Jada said "how are you going to pour into everyone else when you're pouring from an empty cup", I felt that deeply. Now Angela had the luck of meeting Briscoe, who had her pegged and called her on her shi...stuff. I liked that throughout all 3 books, the "word" was front and center but not so overpowering that he took over the love story. If you pay attention you would notice that each sermon featured was tailored for each child. I love that the family as a whole was reunited thanks to Briscoe. He and Angela managed to heal each other through the baby mama drama, stubborn attitudes and more. This was my favorite story of all 3. The author again gave me something I didn't even know I needed with this story.
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