
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Brett Fontaine learned early that appearance matters and not to count on anyone but yourself. Trading her red-dirt roots for the title of Miami’s go-to image consultant, she refuses to let anything jeopardize her new life.
Not an influential client-turned-stalker who’s up for parole.
Not post-kidnapping panic attacks.
Certainly not the stubborn, attention-phobic chef she’s challenged to transform into a celeb in ninety days.
Will Te’o can almost taste the dream he sacrificed American Samoa, culture, and cherished family ties for—opening a four star restaurant in the most cut-throat culinary location in North America. Unfortunately, that requires navigating it’s equally cut-throat social scene. When his first public performance ends in a social media spectacle, his only option is turning to the stiletto-wearing nemesis who’s invaded his kitchen.
Not an influential client-turned-stalker who’s up for parole.
Not post-kidnapping panic attacks.
Certainly not the stubborn, attention-phobic chef she’s challenged to transform into a celeb in ninety days.
Will Te’o can almost taste the dream he sacrificed American Samoa, culture, and cherished family ties for—opening a four star restaurant in the most cut-throat culinary location in North America. Unfortunately, that requires navigating it’s equally cut-throat social scene. When his first public performance ends in a social media spectacle, his only option is turning to the stiletto-wearing nemesis who’s invaded his kitchen.
Book Review
This romance was billed as "Sweet Home Alabama meets Miami". I was intrigued to see how Walden would meld the two vastly different cultures. Thanks to a social media spectacle that puts Brett and Will, our co-protagonists, in each other's pathway the journey to love begins.
The author did such a great job with character development. They both were multi-layered and the supporting cast was interesting to boot. I could see Will in all his 6'8" American Samoan tattooed glory cooking up delicious dishes. Just as I could feel Brett's toughness and need to be supported and loved. There was a little of the love-hate tension initially, but the way Will was consistent with his support that soon turned into pure love. There was nothing that I didn't like about him. His insecurities added to his realism, just as Brett's no-nonsense nature added to hers. These elements made both relatable characters. The author did a good job of creating tension i.e. notably the stalker, developing chemistry between the two until it reached a steamy and satisfying climax. If I had one critique, it would be that the pace was a bit slow. All in all, a solid start to a new series. I would recommend anyone who likes to see two firey cultures coming together. You can get your copy below and support the author by leaving a review.
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