FALLEN: Reign of the Shinab Family {Season 1}


“I am Tamar Aziza, successful Founder and Owner of the Night Angels Modeling & Entertainment Agency. Little did I know that I am about to discover the dark erotic side of Spiritual Warfare, when my trusted friend and colleague Jasiel Fitzgerald's behavior towards me and becomes both sensual and sinister.  One by one he will introduce not only myself but my team to the seductive influence of the powerful Lucc Siffer Industries and members of the mysterious Shinab Family.  To stop his plans I will face the dangers of his erotic deceptions, the lure of his sensual seductions, and the trappings of being in sexual bondage to this man...and his family.”

PURCHASE LINK- https://www.magcloud.com/user/nightangelxodus

Media Review

The story I'm reviewing was found between the pages of a digital magazine created by Xodus. The author weaves a tale of lust, deception, and villainy.

“A Seductive Man is more bitter than death. His passion is a trap, and his firm hands will bind many women into bondage. Those who please God will escape from him, while others will remain caught in his enticing lure.”   ~Inspired by Ecclesiastes 7:26~ 

The ladies at Night Angels Modeling and Entertainment Agency are all strong, beautiful women. However, they are no match for the men of & those connected to the Shinab family. I liked that the women have carved out successful careers within the beauty industry. For example, Dinah is the face or lead model and in high demand. Tamar, a woman who has (or wants to have) strong Christian values,  is the Founder and Owner of the agency. She can't seem to reconcile with the lustful feelings Amnon forces upon her and her need to be a virtuous woman. The story moved quickly, between the scenes of intense passion followed by guilt the women experienced.   I also like the reveal at the end when Dinah learned of Tamar's true identity just before she is ravaged again by Jasiel. Granted there's not much in the way of a full story yet, but this bite just may have you ready for part two more than you know.  

Xodus takes his time building each scene in a way that forces you as the reader to engage in the carnal acts along with the characters. You can tell he has done his research. He's created an entertaining world that also centers around what is oftentimes a cutthroat industry - beauty.  I actually thought this was quite appropriate as we are often blinded by beauty and we all lust for things. That lust may not be sexual. it just happens to manifest itself that way here. I wonder if the lust will turn to envy as the seasons of the Shinab's family tale moves forward. Hmm...

The fact that Xodus uses pictures & a few scriptures to accentuate the story will further illustrate why this is not for the faint of heart or those with delicate sensibilities. This will not be for everyone, but for those who live on the "dark side" or can appreciate the "alternative" lifestyles that some enjoy, this extremely erotica read could be for you. You'll also be treated to learning about new and upcoming independent authors as Xodus gives them an opportunity to shine after the story. Consider it the perfect cool-down gift, well until you see more sultry boudoir images as the magazine comes to a close. At any rate, you can get your copy at MagCloud by clicking the image above or clicking here. 

Happy Reading...if you dare!


  1. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 This is a Very Humbling Review. Thank you so much for this. Absolutely Glad you Enjoyed it and even More Excited that you "Got It".


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