Blindsided by Love

Blindsided by Love Blindsided by Love by Monica Walters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If confidence was a women’s size twenty, then its name would have to be Aspen St. Andrews. The thirty-one-year-old freelance journalist is living life on her own terms, except in one area. Love. She feels somewhat stuck in an engagement to a man that she once loved, until things began to change once they decided to cohabitate. They argue about her career as if it’s a hobby and Aspen is sick of it. As their engagement is on the verge of being dissolved, she decides to take a trip to the little town of Nome, Texas to interview farmers about their livestock that are mysteriously dying. What she doesn’t expect, is to meet a man that threatens to change everything she found attractive in a man. Aspen couldn’t have these sorts of desires for a stranger who was tactless and rude. No matter how pitiful her relationship was, she was still engaged to be married.

Seven Storm Henderson is a man that knows what he wants. Until he finds it, or he stumbles upon it, he chooses to live life to the fullest. Being the youngest of seven children, he’s used to getting his way. He owns a full-service center and mechanic shop and his family pretty much owns the entire town. But what he loves is taking care of the animals in their pastures, especially the cattle. Women are willing to throw themselves at his feet, but he only wants one thing from them. Even with him being rude and nasty to most of them, they still continue to chase the Storm. One day, what he feels is his destiny, drops in his lap, but he soon realizes that she isn’t like most chicks he dealt with. She was all woman.

Storm and Aspen have a rocky start, because Storm can’t seem to speak intelligently enough to woo Aspen. He realizes that she may be too good for him, but that doesn’t stop his pursuit. Will Storm make the necessary changes to have Aspen all to himself or will Aspen make the necessary changes in her life to actually give Storm a chance

                                                            BOOK REVIEW
Quiet Storm...Not!
Seven Storm Henderson was a destructive disaster when crossed. The one thing that had the power to calm this storm was one Aspen St. Andrews. The author did a good job of displaying the chemistry and progression of their relationship. The conflict that was a small roadblock for the two came in the form of a fiance. You'll have to read it to find our more. This was a down to earth relatable romance with good character development and a solid plot. I think romance readers, especially those that know Texas, will appreciate this story.

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