Tinaca Jones

Tinaca Jones Tinaca Jones by Matt Boren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The epic and high-larious deposition of Tinaca Jones (performed by Parks and Recreation and Good Girls star Retta) as she details the theft of her beloved namesake by fame-seeking missile Kelly Smith and her arduous journey to expose Smith for the impostor she is.

What’s in a name? The name Tinaca, for example, has been passed down in the Jones family for generations of women. In fact, the Joneses name a Tinaca every other generation, to let the name breathe a little. To let each Tinaca shine.

And shine is exactly what Tinaca Jones intends to do. A grocery cashier by day and an empire in the making by night, Tinaca Jones has been busy paying her dues, saving coins, and taking business and marketing classes, readying to launch her lifestyle brand for anyone who wants to live like her - that is, intentionally, and fabulously. But when a basic blonde with an even more basic name (Kelly Smith) approaches her register and peeps her nametag, Tinaca’s plans come crashing down all around her....

The next thing Tinaca knows, this basic b has launched herself into overnight fame with a pathetic, old-as-time, red-carpet stunt, using the stage name Tinaca Jones. But Kelly Smith messed with the wrong woman.

What follows is the real Tinaca Jones’ wild and triumphant account of the battle to reclaim her name by any means necessary.

Do not mess with Tinaca Jones or her name. This was cute, quick and humorous. We get to see the original Tinaca Jones reclaim her name from imposter Kelly Smith. The story of Tinaca Jones moves as quickly as Tinaca Jones sets up her own jokes. The short story is a peek inside of the deposition into the nefarious activities of one Tinaca Parker Jones, not to be confused with the original Tinaca Jones. The imposter has taken the name, gone to Los Angeles and reinvented herself into an influencer with a couple of beauty lines and is quickly moving up in the "Who's Who?" circle of the elite. Can we say cultural appropriation?
When you get past the hilarious curse-filled delivery that narrator Retta gave us, you see the story is about reclaiming oneself, your heritage and being completely and unapologetically proud of it all. You know that no matter what someone takes from you, it is yours and you are original and thus will always own it. Tinacas is educated, ambitious and is working in a local grocery store until she figures out to take all her Black Girl Magic and make her mark in the world. I recommend this to anyone who wants a quick pick me up, maybe while sitting in traffic or stopping at the market. But beware of listening ears, before you to have a Tinaca Jones situation on your hands.

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