Were We Awake

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In each story of this collection, events make the characters understand that their world is not as it seemed.In Hidden, the discovery of an affair between her father and aunt is only the start of finding hidden secrets for Hazel.
What it Means to Be Empty-Handed is narrated by a fourteen-year-old daughter of an alcoholic. Her denial and elaborate imagination starts to disintegrate when she lies to the wrong person.
In Crashing, a middle-aged woman lives a life of servitude until she hits teenage boy with her car.
A thirty-year-old murder takes its toll on the victim’s family in Walking A Country Road.The stories are set in Boston and Ireland
Book Review
This is my first read by the author and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised as I wasn't quite sure what to expect. This particular book is a collection of short stories that drive you from one emotion to the next seamlessly. Different lengths, different tones and elements, but all engaging and meaningful. I think the author did a great job of delivering strong, vivid and entertaining tales. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to be shaken up a bit. Get your copy here and don't forget to leave a review.
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