KoKo: a Novel

KoKo: a Novel KoKo: a Novel by Bien-Aime Wenda
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Confident and determined, video vixen, Koreen Wilson has it all: money, fame, supportive friends, a loving daughter, and an adoring fiancé. What happens when Koreen continues to risk it all for her insatiable sexual appetite? 

Meet Koreen's closest friends: 

Ivonka Roux is the finest attorney money can buy. With her 38th birthday looming, Ivonka is desperate to find Mr. Right and start a family…..even if it means ignoring red flags. Mother of six, Desiree Loren regrets ever marrying her adulterous husband, a man three times her age. Keeping her suicidal thoughts a secret, her friends soon become suspicious after Desiree begins to exhibit some unusual behavior

Book Review
The author did a good job of giving you a complete story with room to grow. However, the narrator didn't quite deliver. and it was only when she attempted to perform certain characters with accents. You had to listen really closely to understand what was being said. While the prequel was interesting, it didn't add much value to the series. everything discussed was explained in book 1.

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