Virginia Templeton Stories

Virginia Templeton Stories Virginia Templeton Stories by Marsha Casper Cook
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

These are three short stories about Virginia Templeton that focus on her life as she makes her way through the upper class society. Virginia loves playing games with men,especially in business. Because she prefers to play the misunderstood diva men don't see the real her and that is what she enjoys more than anything else. She smiles while planning her next move which makes the read so exciting. She would like to find one man to love but just when she thinks she's found her man she realizes it's not going to happen and moves on to someone else. In her world there’s no good or bad there’s just her trying to live her life.

Book Review

This book revolved around Virginia Templeton and her lady bits. Virginia, a high strung tyrant, was married with many lovers and a short fuse. She had a rough childhood and experienced molestation during that time. While it is not stated, I am assuming it was mentioned as the reason why she grew into the heartless person she became. Unfortunately, I could not connect with this story or the characters. I am left wondering why the men that came into contact with her desired her. There was also quite a bit of redundancy and overuse of the word "f**k".

 In addition to the slight echo, the narrator was not the proper choice. Virginia needed someone who could deliver the right amount of bite in the tone when she addressed those she came across. When something of note did occur, I had to rewind the story to pick up what happened previously. The narrator had a beautifully soothing voice that did not fit with this character. The story also ended as if one of the characters were mid-conversation. It was odd. Needless to say, this story was a miss for me.

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