She Had It Coming

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Dolores Reese spent her childhood in foster care, like Floyd Watson, a local boy who intrigues her from the moment they meet. When one bad decision sends an innocent Floyd to prison for life, Dolores promises to stick by him. But while Floyd's world stands still, Dolores meets a new man who promises her the kind of future she's always wanted--the kind she once imagined having with Floyd. But when Floyd is suddenly freed on new evidence, Dolores is torn and must make a fateful decision. And if she isn't careful, Dolores just might find out what happens when love, dishonesty, and dangerous jealousy collide
Book Review
*I've had the book for a few months and each time I attempted to listen I put it down.
This story was one that I would chalk up to missed potential. Excellent plot idea. Poor execution.
1. The audio is 20 chapters and almost 12 hours. After 13 chapters and 7 1/2 hours, the story finally got interesting. The author overwhelmed the story with redundant and irrelevant Information via an inner monologue. Patricia R. Floyd couldn't even improve the listen.
2. The female lead came across as simple and self-absorbed. This is the 3rd book that had female leads as simple-minded. Again, I feel like I'm listening to a different book that the other reviewers. The writing makes you think the characters are middle schoolers and not grown women
a. What grown woman jumps up and down to get semen out of her? This is not set in the 1920s or even the 50s
b. Delores took off screaming when Marvin kissed her at her bday party. This again reminds me of a simpleton. That's just not a logical reaction for a woman and not a woman in LA that eats at places like the Ivy. It just added to the entire oddity of this character.
3. Where was the connection/the chemistry between any of the characters?
4. I vaguely remember that I enjoyed God don't like ugly. It makes me want to pull it out and re-listen or read because this can't be the same author. I think I might have to give up on this author.
5. The topics (bigamy, murder, domestic abuse, foster care, sexual assault) it touched on were overshadowed by the ridiculous amount of detail
6. Valerie was "thirsty", but we didn't see it. We only heard about it second hand. The plot twist that involved her was easily identified the moment Delores met "Marvin".
a. the one and only interesting item in this tale was mentioned as a gossip tidbit during a "rundown" on Valerie. This would have been interesting to explore, but it was a sentence.
7. I think the story gets away from the author and that results in 90% build up and information overkill, 5% movement, and the remaining 5% spent to wrap up the story OR leave you with a cliffhanger.
8. The story was wrapped in a nice convenient bow the last 30 minutes of the story. It was disappointing that Delores learned nothing & still learned nothing or evolved even after becoming a mother.
a. I'm hoping a sequel is not in the works..not with Delores as the heroine.
This book coupled with the first 2 books of the lonely heart series makes me not one to read book 3 in that series. I know I'm going against the grain with my comments. However, for me, this trilogy needed to be re-worked until it reaches its potential.
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