Light My Fire

Light My Fire Light My Fire by Katie MacAlister
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Aisling Grey is juggling being a demon lord, a Guardian, and a wyvern's mate, even though she's keeping her distance from said wyvern, Drake, these days. But her presence is still required at a meeting of the green dragons. Since several attempts have been made on her life, Drake is sure to get protective of her. Which might not be a bad thing when war breaks out and all hell breaks loose--literally.

                                                            Book Review 
Aisling is still a disappointment in this book. Where's the chemistry? The first sex scene in this story was absolutely torturous. How could he keep himself "up" for the task? I fast forwarded thru the second one. She's still going off "half-cocked" & becoming unnecessarily outraged when she doesn't understand, get her way or disagrees with someone. Thank goodness for Drake, Renee, Nora, Jim, and the other supporting characters. I love them. I can't wait to find out Renee's background.
I suppose this series is one that I don't quite get just yet. I love everything about the story except Aisling. Hmmmm

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