Author Spotlight - Sharronne McNeil

Hello Everyone! I am Sharronne McNeil and welcome to my guest post on KayBee's Bookshelf. I published my first novel in 2018. I am a Christian/Inspirational writer and founder of True Vine Press. Currently, I have two works published: Cora and I Dreamt of Love- Poetry Collection available on Amazon. Since a child, I loved to write and my passion has continued through my current writings. My favorite form of writing is poetry, which I write almost daily. I always enjoyed writing. I realized that I should work toward becoming a full-time writer when my daughter was born.
When I decided to use the talent I was blessed with and write my first book, I was surprised at the amount of work that went into making a book successful. My short novels I could pen in a week. However, when I had a full novel to complete, I started by jotting down what I wanted the book to be about and then letting the story and characters evolve organically. As far as fitting this in with working full-time, making time for family, my faith and then myself, I make a commitment to write a minimum of 1- hour a day. Keeping this habit, plus writing, if I had any free time, means the completion of a novel could take anywhere from 3-months to a year. My process is organic and rooted in my faith. My inspiration comes from God, family, and love. I think the stories are given to me by God. My poetry is dictated to me by my heart and how I feel in relationships. What makes a story a good one to me is one that shows the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.
There is nothing like seeing my own words in print. I have three completed works to date that fall under the genre of Urban Christian fiction. I like to tackle issues that show the true transformative power of developing a relationship with God. Some of my stories are not easy to read about but I always want to show in the story that God’s love and salvation can change things. I am still establishing my audience but hope to engage with you all soon on a regular basis. I will say that I am happy about the positive feedback I have received thus far.
I started True Vine Press to give a voice to authors that wanted to write about God in conventional and non-conventional ways. The only caveat is that every story that uses scriptures or talks about God has to line up with premises and precepts of the Bible.
What's next for me? The Brother Love series about twin brothers and how you cannot always take people at face value. I will also continue to publish and consult with other authors writing books in the following categories: Christian fiction, Christian non-fiction, devotionals, Inspirational fiction, Clean Romance, and Poetry (excluding erotic poetry, graphic violence, or anti-Christ themes). When I am not writing, I spend time with my daughter, church, being a classroom parent, reading, and collaborate with other creatives.
From the little girl who wanted to be an astronaut, dancer or computer programmer, I love you and thank you for your support. Remember: We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.
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Who will give you a reason to love for the first time or to love again? Only experience will tell you the truth about your love.  Distance makes the heart grow fonder or is it colder. Goodbye is never goodbye if it is meant to be.  There is no other love for me.  If it is true love, it will come back. There is no time nor place that can hold true love hostage. Love is love. Too many cliches, too much time or is it so many cliches and so little time.  Give me a Reason to Love circles and collects thoughts on dysfunctional, obsessive, and even dangerous thoughts about love.  Just like the poet cannot tell you if it will rain tomorrow, no one can tell you if true love ever dies or if you will see your lost lover again.  Does love even ever exist outside the needs of the individual lovers? The book attempts to carve out a voice that explores reasons or reasons not to love from a poetic viewpoint. This year is set to be a prosperous one for True Vine. Stay tuned!

