Along Came a Savage

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book started with a bang and ended with an explosion. I was all in from Chapter 1. TayTay a smart, resilient woman who grew up with a knowledge of the street life takes her college sweetheart and turns him into a multi-millionaire. He, in turn, betrays her and someone close to her sets her up to be destroyed.
Enter, Severe, one Savage that was going to shake up TayTay's world and help her get back on top or does he? The author definitely knows how to grab a reader's, or in my case a listener's, attention. First, he pulls you in by introducing a savage in the streets, then a savage in the bedroom and to top it all off he brings in a Savage with the voiceover, E.E. Gates aka Mr. Gates.
I was a goner between the writer's gritty and explicit storytelling and Gate's sexy baritone. The story moved swiftly. The drama was intense. The characters were developed and interesting. There were so many twists and turns that had me giddy there was no way I could choose just one. Treachery was afoot at every turn. Who needs enemies with friends like Misha. Am I right? Then, along came a little savagery in the bedroom. (SN: The way Severe talked to TayTay 💦💦💦). I appreciated the fact that the sex scenes held a purpose. I mean more than having me wanting to say "yes I'm you're B" when the questioned was asked lol. They were not gratuitous and they helped to move the story along. This story held elements of street and erotic fiction and the author married the two in a way that was believable.
How will TayTay handle the betrayal, the death, and the mayhem that has been caused by someone near and dear? Well, you'll have to read or listen to find out. But beware, there is a cliffhanger and I was left wondering who will be the Ultimate Savage when it's all said and done. I eagerly await the release of the sequel.
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