Before We Were Wicked

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Before We Were Wicked by Eric Jerome Dickey
Publisher - Dutton Books
Pages - 341
This story centers around a lust-filled night that turned into a toxic relationship between Ken and Jimi Lee.
Ken is twenty-one and living a not so legal life, to pay his way through college. One night out and he meets the women who will upset his world. Jimi Lee is spoiled and selfish. The two began a relationship that shows you explosive sex does not a relationship make. It also highlights the cultural differences between Black Americans or African Americans and those who are not.
I can't say that I connected to either of the characters. I'm not sure if it was lack of character development or the fact that the background, dialog, and actions just made one of them so unbelievable horrid that I could not see past the evil. The strong dislike I had toward Jimi could be attributed to the writer's talent because he definitely elicited a strong reaction from me with this character. The cultural differences serve as a third character in this story, which was a solid one. If you throw these things with a lack of communication and pregnancy, you have the makings of a relationship that was over before it began.
The plot was strong. The characters were interesting and somewhat developed. Overall, this was an okay read, but not close to my favorite EJD novel. All that being said, please get your copy below and remember to leave a review.
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