Just Get Up: And Manifest Your Inner Genius

Abandoned by his father at the age of seven, Isaac Miller embarks upon a thirteen-year journey to fight his way out of a life of crime, drugs, mediocrity, and poverty. Using his teenage imagination and work ethic as his guide, Isaac provides for his family, including his schizophrenic mother, and fights his way to becoming an entrepreneur at the age of seventeen. Through his story, Isaac demonstrates how you can start with nothing and still live your dreams. Just Get Up teaches you how to capture your own life's dreams through exposing your inner genius. This guided tour of self-development will teach you how to unlock your life's true treasures. It will appeal to all people seeking a real-life inspirational story of overcoming adversities. Along your journey you will find The Limelight Spot Effect, The 27-Month Plan, and The Octagon Way as you build your own success through his Just Get Up program. Isaac invites you to Just Get Up and tap into your unlimited potential as you discover your inner genius one chapter at a time.
Book Review - Miller gifts his readers with several deeply personal nuggets regarding his own life and experiences to drive home the power of manifestation including just how at the age of 11, he made the decision to make things better for himself and his mother. He hustled became a business owner made sure he also was formerly educated post-high school and soaked up as much knowledge as possible along the way. In sharing his journey with you, he gifts you with the opportunity to glean a bit of inspiration from him. The book forces you to take a hard look at yourself and ask some basic important questions i.e "Who are you? What do you want? "
You'll find many can't answer those two simple questions. I think those who are like-minded and believe in the power of manifestation and the power of hard work and having positive energy around you will find this book to be of great value. But don't take my word for it get your copy by clicking below and support the author by leaving a review.

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