It Was Only One Damn Night

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When Marcus married Melina years ago, the one thing she always promised him was that she would give him children. Neither of them realized that would be easier said than done. Struggling to make sense of the situation and with Marcus putting all the blame on Melina, their marriage becomes strained. A night out with the guys allows Marcus to relax and enjoy himself without thinking about the problems he and his wife are dealing with at home. However, that one night has consequences no one was prepared for.
Kalisha thought she had met her knight in shining armor. After a steamy night with the handsome stranger, she gives him her phone number. As the months go by with no word from the man she had hoped would give her a lasting relationship, she finally gives up. However, God has a way of sending us messages to teach us lessons when we least expect them.
Book Review
Well, we all know what's done in the dark eventually comes to light. And if poor Marcus didn't know, he's about to know. This book moved quickly and brought what I needed today and that was the drama on all fronts.
As usual, the author managed to touch on some pretty real topics to get you thinking i.e. infidelity, infertility, etc. This story was a solid plot, good character development, and content. There were a few technical issues, but hey I still read this in one sitting and I'm on to book two. Will God get Marcus' prayers be answered? Will Porsha's handling of Chandler's "business" work out in her favor?
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