Lust Now, Cry Later

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
There's more to 24 year-old Sdia Mitchell than looks. This native Washingtonian has brains and brawn to match, but not without baggage. She was sexually abused as a child, which is more than a load for this beauty to carry.
Just when Sdia begins to find peace and self-acceptance, along comes Mel Simmons, a handsome, fast-talking, womanizing barbershop owner from South Jersey. He not only takes pride in the control he has over his career, but, also in the control he has over his women. What Mel wants, he gets and now he's got his eyes on Sdia. He's determined to have his way with her, too, and soon, she finds herself battling with more than just memories of her childhood; she finds herself struggling to escape Mel's demands, obsession and narcissistic rage.
Carl Adler, a successful businessman, provides his wife, Natalya, with the finer things in life, yet sleeping with his attractive, young assistant, Lamar Baldwin, is how she shows her appreciation. But little does Natalya know, Lamar has a dirty little secret of his own that is guaranteed to devastate the life of Natalya's and those who come in contact with her forever!
I think as a debut novel this was a pretty good story. As Sdia struggles to find her way romantically, a determined Mel enters the story waving red capes, not flags, in her face. She was not naive and while her intuition was saying beware along with the red capes being waved in her face, she decides to move forward with the relationship with Mel. We've all done it at some point so no judgment here. On the other side, poor Carl is being verbally abused by his philandering wife. In the unlikeliest of ways, the concurrent storylines meet at the end and the reader is left to assume what happened to the villains of the story. The story moved well, albeit there was a bit of repetition. I would have liked some insight as to what motivated Carl's wife to treat him the way she did. I think the story was overwhelmed a bit with several elements that it lost its way and chose the less interesting route. Sdia's childhood while mentioned on occasion was never dealt with in this book. What was the aftermath of divulging her truth to her family? How did Wiliam deal with his "new" normal? What happened to Carl? I'm hoping there will be a book two to tie up loose ends. There is more story to tell with these characters. Narrator, Soozie Cheyenne, did a great job and the production was well done. I think if you want an easy, uncomplicated listen, this story is for you.
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