When She Didn't Come Home: A Domestic Violence Novel Books 1 & 2

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Growing up in a hostile environment filled with different types of abuse is a child’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many children around the world. If you ever become the victim to an abuser or find yourself stuck in an uncomfortable situation with your children, please get help immediately. You are never alone and there is always someone willing to lend a helping hand.
Chantel and Monique are sisters who have a bittersweet relationship. They have spent most of their childhood watching their parents fight and make up as if they never argued. Eventually, their minds accepted the fact that this was normal behavior between couples. That is until it came knocking on their door once they got older.
Determined to put her unpleasant childhood memories to rest and move past it, Monique quickly falls for the charming athlete. She soon finds herself on the defensive line against Jeremy and his hands. Despite the many ups and downs, she still tries to convince herself and those around her that he loves her. She will stop at nothing to show Jeremy that she is his rider for life. But when Jeremy gets arrested and suspended from the team, his future doesn’t look as bright as it was in the beginning. But will their relationship survive this sudden crisis, or will the stress prove to be too much for Jeremy?
Chantel is determined to put her dark childhood behind her and buries herself in her studies in an effort to secure her future. She manages to avoid all relationships until she starts dating Evan. Evan realizes that Chanel is guarded but he’s determined to prove to the beauty that he isn’t like her father. Chanel finds herself becoming more paranoid and insecure in her relationship with Evan and questions whether she should be with him at all. Will her past continue to interfere with her future, or will Evan finally convince Chanel to let the past go?
Will these two sisters follow in their mother’s footsteps in their search for love? Or will they make their own way and find happiness after all? Find out how two couples cope with domestic violence.
Book 1-This was a good depiction of teen domestic violence and how it evolves over time. The characters were believable and the situations relatable. The story moved well and had moving relevant content. I did skim through the pages that were simply a recap of the previous chapter.
Book 2-
What I didn't feel in Book 1, I got from the sequel. The sequel was powerful in its outcome, delivery and overall message. Technically, there was no redundancy in content, the content was delivered in an organized and informative way with few spag errors. The sequel perfectly displayed a very real outcome of generational abuse. Oh and I loved the character crossover. I would love to see "D" get a standalone novella to showcase her growth.
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