Stuck In An Elevator
What woman WOULDN’T want to be stuck in an elevator with “Nigel Strong,” – the tall, sensationally-talented, broad-shouldered, wide-backed, muscular-chested actor, with a deep voice, heavy foreign accent, dark features, piercing eyes, and a five o’clock shadow that suggests he might have spent a weekend in a cabin in the mountains...
Though recently voted “The Sexiest Man Alive” by (the fictitious) “Popular Fashion Magazine,” there is one woman whom his looks alone cannot conquer.
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The storyline was developed with good movement and contained culturally relevant content. Those aware of today's racial climate, and who isn't, will be able to relate to the story. Now, whose side is a story for another time. I liked that Talford made the characters real and authentic, especially Tami. There are several instances that will make you cringe, but if you've ever been on the receiving end of hatred, the characters words and reason behind her hatred will sound all too familiar.
I will say what disappointed me was that the positive message that the protagonist, Nigel, was tasked with delivering was essentially lost. He was written to be calm, cool and collected, but he was rude, cold and nasty to Tami. If you are teaching or leading by example that's not the way to do it. Granted our dear Tami didn't learn anything, which was evident in her reaction and thought processes when an old friend resurfaced. There was also one thing that struck me as odd was how the book was formatted and I feel the way the book "ended" will have many missing the aftermath of the elevator ride. All in all, it was a good story with a message that will resonate with many. Thanks for reading and be sure to get your own copy here and don't forget to support the author by leaving a review. Happy reading!
(bio provided by author)
Matt D. Talford, the award-winning author of "From Fear to Faith: A Survivor's Story," is a native of Long Island, NY, a veteran of the US Army Medical Corps and a retired Microsoft Technical Account Manager. From 1998-2002 he worked as senior editor for an Arts and Entertainment magazine which serviced the Greater Charlotte (NC) area. As a child, his passion for writing developed during evenings, weekends and summers spent reading accounts of historical battles and high-seas adventures at the Long Beach Public Library. He credits his knack for telling a great story to listening to "fishing tales" told by and about his dad and uncles during family gatherings. In his early years, his favorite literary genre was adventure, a fact that is subtly apparent in "From Fear to Faith." Talford and his wife currently reside in South Carolina, where he attended high school and college, and actively participates in local and statewide tennis communities (both as a player and member of two volunteer boards). Talford, who was labeled a foodie by a close friend, enjoys "experimenting in the kitchen," and prefers his own home-cooked dinners to eating out. He is also a singer who has extensive experience in community chorus and musical theater. When not writing or editing other authors, Talford enjoys, fishing, cooking, reading, weightlifting, watching sports, practicing yoga, playing video games, and working as a part-time tennis instructor.View all my reviews
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