Fatal Strike

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The setup
A killer is running rampant in Galveston and snake venom is their weapon of choice. FBI Agents Leah & Jon lead the task force in finding out just who is behind these violent crimes.
Their best lead goes into hiding and all is not what it seems.
The story
A Killer. Two Snipers/FBI agents. Nice guys turned bad. Bad guys…well stayed bad. The author took her time setting the stage for this crime drama. There was a great deal of attention paid to the details and ensuring that the reader understood the procedural process, terminology so that as the case drew toward its end, the reader wouldn’t be left in the dark or confused. I appreciated the amount of research and resources the author tapped into for the sake of authenticity when it came to the two protagonists. Both had secrets and baggage that propelled them in their missions and toward each other in a romantic sense. I did like that the true antagonist was someone that I did not expect and that made for a nice twist to round out this story.
“Prayer is of the heart, not necessarily audible.”
Father Gabriel
While this was a suspenseful crime drama, one recurring theme revolved around faith and religion. This played a huge part, in my opinion, in each of the character’s lives, and it played a hand in how they handled themselves in precarious situations. The way Silvia turned to her faith to keep her son safe and used it to help her make the decisions she made in regards to him, I think will resonate with many of us. Whether struggling in their faith or relying on it, faith helped make the characters relatable.
Technically speaking
This was my first read by this author and from a technical standpoint, it was well structured, the content was culturally relevant and the editing was well-done. The pace of the story was extremely slow; however, I understood the reasoning behind it as the climax of the story drew near.
All in all, I think fans of the crime and suspense are going to enjoy this story, especially those in the Lone Star state. This story is a win for Texas book lovers. Get your copy below and support the author by leaving a review.
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