My Love For You, Always

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Two couples Jaxon and Kinsley & Damien and A'Myra-both looking for signs that the love they've found is for them.
Jaxon and Kinsley frustrating is the best way to describe this duo. The Author does such a great job of pulling us into their story. And of course, when you find love and things are going the way they should that's when negativity finds its way to you. This book displayed a bit of weakness in Jaxon. Yet, Kinsley seemed to be a fairly strong character.
Damien and A'Myra- I found this couple to be a bit more entertaining, maybe it was the dramatic way they met. OR maybe, the fact that Damien met his match in A'Myra.
The characters in the story were very well developed. Although, I did wonder a bit about A'Myra's ex. Some of the story was a bit predictable, but it was still well-written. I also appreciate the excellent editing job. I'll definitely keep reading stories that this Author delivers.
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