Flighty: A Magical Creature Novella

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This was an interesting take on the message of " you are perfect the way you are or you are enough".
Flighty was born without any fairy dust and so he couldn't take flight and do what his race was born to do. He was different. (Did Lady GaGa's Born This Way just pop into your head too?) He hears tales of a way to get what he thinks he needs to be normal and to fit in. Naturally, it comes in the form of him owing a favor to someone and he's to come when they call in the favor. What was relatable about this character was he is like so many. All he saw was his flaws and not his strength, which he literally had. Fast forward to his dream coming true and then things falling apart. And then.....Well, you'll have to read it. I'm not giving away spoilers today. The Author delivered a well-structured fantasy novella with a strong message. My only concern was surrounding grammatical errors. While they were not enough to distract from the message, they were noticeable.
Reviewed by KayBee
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